Saturday, June 30, 2012

Clairvoyant Power Share by

Clairvoyant Spiritual Healing

Clairvoyance is simply the ability to use your 6th chakra, or third eye, to see energy from a place of non-judgment. A clairvoyant sees your chakras, which are the energy centres in the body, and the aura, which is the energy field located around the body, and reads the pictures or visions that emerge.
Your aura contains all your experiences in this lifetime. All the emotions, experiences, issues, people, abilities, love, beauty, etc. can be seen in the chakras and aura. In a typical healing, a clairvoyant cannot address everything he or she sees in the aura. There is just too much to see! As a result, a clairvoyant will only see the pictures that are the most relevant at that moment in time.

What can clairvoyant healing treat?

 A clairvoyant healing can treat a number of issues; emotional imbalances, health concerns, lack of energy, spiritual isolation, depression, anxiety, purposelessness, creative or sexual repression, joylessness and low self esteem (to name a few). The primary purpose of a clairvoyant healing is to help you achieve balance and enthusiasm in your life.

Benefits of clairvoyant healing

* Helps you gain clarity about certain issues, people and situations in your life
* Acts as a healing for your spirit, allowing you to release emotional and spiritual blockages affecting your  
* Is a powerful initiator of change
* Reconnects with who you are as a spirit so you can have greater control over your life
* Allows you to understand past-lives and how they are affecting or contributing to your current lifetime
* Gives you greater clarity about your physical and emotional health
* Addresses issues around finances, health, career, purpose, your abilities, creativity, love and just about
   anything else
* Addresses blockages due to programming from family, religious institutions, society, friends or schooling
* Works on the clearing the DNA passed on a cellular level at conception


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