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Cow Urine Can Cure Many Diseases share by

The cow is a mobile medical dispensary. It is the treasure of medicines. Cow urine therapy is capable of curing many curable and incurable diseases. The holy texts, like Atharva Veda, Charaka Samhita, Rajni Ghuntu, Vridhabhagabhatt, Amritasagar, Bhavaprakash, Sushruta Samhita, etc., contain beautiful description about the medicinal benefits of cow urine. Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has conducted a lot of research over the past few years and reached the conclusion that it is capable of curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems and several other diseases.

The analysis of cow urine has shown that it contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succinic, calcium salts, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones and gold. A person falls ill when there is deficiency or excess of these substances inside the body. Cow urine contains all of these substances, which are naturally present in the human body. Therefore consumption of cow urine maintains the balance of these substances and this helps cure incurable diseases.

The Indian culture gives special place to the cow. All the 330 million gods have cow as their prime temple (all devas reside in the cow). Deva means to give, the strength to give, the ability to give more and take the minimum. This is known as Devata. The cow takes very less from us and gives us more. Therefore the Indian people have shown this with the help of strict devotion and dedication. Thus the cow has a prominent place in the Indian life and economy. Wealth, religion, enjoyment and salvation are accomplished with the service of the cow. The Indian farmer used to be known as king, or the giver of grains, due to the tradition developed in India thousands of years back. Our entire life is dependent on the cow.

The whole world takes the cow as their mother. The reason is that the birth-giving mother gives milk to its child only for one or two years, but the mother cow gives milk throughout its life, which is like nectar. A black cow is tied in the Shiva temple, and when we see the Shiva along with the black cow then we are able to overcome the malefic effects of planets in our natal horoscope. When we see the ankles of the cow we protect ourselves from sudden deaths. Circumambulating the cow is equivalent to visiting all of the holy places. As the peepal tree and tulasi plant give oxygen similarly cow is the only animal which purifies the air. If one spoon of pure ghee is poured on burning cow dung (in homa) then they can produce one-ton of pure air, therefore ghee made with cow milk is used in sacrificial fires and havans. There is no better method to remove pollution.

Cow milk, butter, ghee and buttermilk are like nectar. The cow dung is not faeces, but a purifier. It helps produce the best quality grains, fruits, and vegetables when used as manure. Cow urine is a divine medicine and is a natural pesticide for crops. Pure ghee made with cow milk poured on burning cow cakes dung, produces a smoke that subsides the effect of poisonous gas. Cow urine contains copper, which is converted into gold inside the human body. It removes all toxicity. Drinking cow milk gives strength and increases the pure qualities in the human mind.

The horns and back hump of the cow are like two powerful pyramids. We receive the strengths of the stars and sun through the medium of cow dung, milk, curd, ghee, etc. The place where the cow is tied does not produce any vastu related ill effects. If there is any malefic effect of any planet, serving the cow with chapatti and jaggery calms down the malefic effect.

The following are some of my personal experiences treating people with cow urine therapy. A person was suffering with cancer and had been told that they would not survive for long; cow therapy was done on many such cases. Out of the many patients, who were suffering with cancer for the last 4 years, many are now leading a healthy life. In the same way, a diabetes patient who was taking insulin and having a sugar level of 488 or 420 did not have the necessity to take insulin after the treatment of cow urine. In the same way AIDS, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, blood pressure, heart disease, prostrate, piles, etc., also have been cured with this treatment. Premchand Rathore was suffering from asthma and isnophilia. He had palpitations and cough along with phlegm. He is now enjoying a healthy life after taking cow urine therapy. The cough and phlegm reduced. Mrs. Sharda Jalani was having varicose veins and dysmenorrhea. She used to have swollen nerves, pain, and swelling as soon as she used to stand up and it was very painful at the time of menses. She was advised to undergo operation for both of these problems. But she went for cow urine therapy and is now healthy. Omprakash Paul suffered a heart attack. He had high levels of cholesterol and chest pain. After taking cow urine therapy he is able to walk up to four kilometers, he does not get chest pain and his cholesterol level is also normal. Chandmal Gurjar suffered with cancer of the food pipe four years back, he could not take liquids also. Now he is able to eat and drink properly, he is healthy and working in the rice fields. There are thousands of people who have recovered from serious diseases after taking this therapy.

Today many AIDS patients are taking cow urine therapy. People who were suffering with migraine and headache for the past 15 years have recovered within six months of taking this therapy. In the past few years the Cow Urine Treatment and Research Center, Indore has treated 150,000 people. Out of the total patients 85 to 90 percent were also suffering from constipation. There is an old saying that if the stomach is clean half of the diseases get cured automatically. The patients taking cow urine therapy are able to enjoying sound heath within one month of this therapy.

Sushma Khurana had a thyroid complaint. Before taking this therapy her T3 level was 4, T4 was 15, TSH was 0.2. After six months of this treatment T4 was 9.97, TSH was 1.35 and today she is free of this problem. This therapy is also beneficial in the case of eczema, ringworm, itching and other skin problems. Old eczema patients have gained a lot from this therapy. Also school and college aged children can be free from the menace of pimples and acne with this simple therapy.

Chemical composition of distilled cow urine:

1. Nitrogen (N2, NH2): Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Natural stimulant of urinary track, activates kidneys and it is diuretic.
2. Sulphur (S): Supports motion in large intestines. Cleanses blood.
3. Ammonia (NH3): Stabilise bile, mucous and air of body. Stabilises blood formation.
4. Copper (Cu): Controls built up of unwanted fats.
5. Iron (Fe): Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & haemoglobin. Stabilises working power.
6. Urea CO(NH2)2: Affects urine formation and removal. Germicidal.
7. Uric Acid (C5H4N4O3): Removes heart swelling or inflammation. It is diuretic therefore destroys toxins.
8. Phosphate (P): Helps in removing stones from urinary track.
9. Sodium (Na): Purifies blood. Antacid.
10. Potassium (K): Cures hereditary rheumatism. Increases appetite. Removes muscular weakness and laziness.
11. Manganese (Mn): Germicidal, stops growth of germs, protects against decay due to gangrene.
12. Carbolic acid (HCOOH): Germicidal, stops growth of germs and decay due to gangrene.
13. Calcium (Ca): Blood purifier, bone strengthener, germicidal.
14. Salt (NaCl): Decreases acidic contents of blood, germicidal.
15. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E: Vitamin B is active ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive ingredient for energetic life and saves from nervousness and thirst, strengthens bones and reproductive power.
16. Other Minerals: Increase immunity.
17. Lactose (C6H12O6): Gives satisfaction., strengths heart, removes thirst and nervousness.
18. Enzymes: Make healthy digestive juices, increase immunity.
19. Water (H2O): It is a life giver. Maintains fluidity of blood, maintains body temperature.
20. Hipuric acid (CgNgNox): Removes toxins through urine.
21. Creatinin (C4HgN2O2): Germicide.
22. Aurum Hydroxide (AuOH): It is germicidal and increases immunity power. AuOH is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic.

Nature Cure for Diabetes by

According to nature therapy, diabetes is the result of a problem in the digestive system. This can be overcome easily, and within a short duration of time, with regular practice of yoga, change in life style, daily routine and diet control. Generally, people engaged in sedentary work suffer from this disease. The insulin produced from the pancreas reduces both in quality and quantity, resulting in a high sugar level, and the excess glucose flows out through the urine.

What are the Reasons for Diabetes?

* Excess of mental work and less physical work.
* Unhealthy life style and irregular eating habits.
* Consumption of heavy, oil and sweet food.
* Diabetes is considered to be a hereditary disease as it passes on from parents to children.
* Unnatural change in the life style.

Symptoms of Diabetes:

Itching in the body, slow healing of wounds, sugar passing out from urine, thick and sticky urine, frequent urination, excessive hunger and thirst, dryness of skin, poor eyesight, weariness and fatigue are some of the common symptoms of diabetes. These should not be neglected in any way.

Other Ailments Caused Due to Diabetes:

Nervous disorder, impotency, kidney and liver problem, low sexual power, poor eyesight, etc., can be caused due to diabetes.

Cure for Diabetes:

The patient should be given proper rest and should take a controlled diet. The following should be kept in mind at the time of treating diabetes. The patient should be stress free. The digestive system should function normally and the secondary diseases caused due to diabetes should also be treated and controlled.

Yogic Cure for Diabetes:

* Practice of Kunjal Kriya, Naouli, and Shankh Prakshalan is beneficial in this case. (For detailed instructions of these practices please see seperate articles on these topics.)
* Uddiyan Bandh cures digestion related problems.
* Practice of Kati Chakrasana, Ardhamatysendrasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Mandookasana and Padahastasana are very beneficial for diabetes.
* Bhastrika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Nadi Shodhan Pranayama and Brahmari Pranayama are very beneficial in the case of diabetes.
* The patient should practice all the steps of Surya Namaskar daily.

Nature Cure for Diabetes:

* Tie a wet mud bandage on the stomach.
* Also hot-cold fomentation on stomach is beneficial.
* Enema.
* Cold hipbath, or hot-cold hipbath.
* Wrap the spine and take spinal bath.
* Body massage twice a week.
* Sunbath is beneficial along with drinking solar water half an hour before meals twice daily. (Fill a glass bottle with water and keep it in the sunlight for eight hours to prepare this water). Morning walks are ideal, the body should get drenched with perspiration.

Diet Control for Diabetes:

Proper diet control is necessary depending upon the age, work and condition of the patient.

A person of normal weight who does not do any physical work should take 2000 calories; person involved in medium physical work should take 2500 calories and in case of excessive physical work the calorie intake should be 3000 calories.

The diabetics with low weight need more calories compared to other patients.

Overweight people should eat less than 2000 calories to prevent fat.

The best way to fix the calorie intake is to get the urine tested. Diabetics can eat curd (yogurt) to maintain their physical strength.

Take one to two ounces of bitter gourd juice in the morning to control diabetes.

Take fat free milk (250-400 ml) or buttermilk or sprouted moong gram (dahl).

Take 30 mg fenugreek seeds or 50 gm fresh myrobalan juice.

Eat chapattis made with wheat and gram, 250 gm of green vegetables, 25 to 50 gm of salad, 25 gm of lentil (kidney beans), 150 gm of curd (yogurt) or diluted curd.

Take 30 gm roasted gram in the evening along with a glassful of vegetable soup or diluted curd (yogurt).

Avoid curd (yogurt) at night.

Important Tips for Diabetics:

* Mix soybean, fenugreek and gram flour in wheat flour and eat chapattis made out of this flour. Mix the flours in the following proportions: Wheat flour-7.5 kg, Gram flour-1.5 kg, Soybean flour- 0.9 kg, Fenugreek- 0.1 kg
* Avoid all types of sweets and sweet food, clarified butter, refined flour and food made with it, and processed food. Smoking, gutka, and alcohol are completely prohibited.
* Bitter gourd, wood apple, black plum, and neem leaves are beneficial in controlling diabetes.
* Green leafy vegetables, cholai, bathua, coriander, mint leaves, cabbage, cucumber, gourd, wood apple leaves, coconut, radish, tomato, lemon, carrot, ginger, onion, butter milk, and soaked almond are also beneficial.
* Avoid intake of starch and rice. Avoid excessive mental work and indigestion. Do not sleep during the daytime, drink water in gulps.
* Barley is also beneficial for diabetes patients. Mix barley flour and gram flour in 5:1 ration and eat regularly for eight to ten days. The glucose does not pass out through urine.
* Roast barley and make a fine powder, make chapatti and eat it for relief.
* A diabetes patient should walk and jog regularly to control sugar level naturally. Brisk walk is beneficial if the person cannot run due to some reasons.
* Practice Agnisar, Dhouti, Bhastrika Pranayama, Uddiyan Bandh along with Paschimottasana to strengthen the lungs and other Pranayama for permanent relief.

Home Remedies for Diabetes:

Grind six-gram fenugreek seeds coarsely and soak in 250 gm water. Crush it nicely in the morning, sieve it with a cloth, and drink it. Follow this remedy for two months regularly in order to overcome diabetes completely. Those who suffer from excess heat due to fenugreek, and ulcer patients, should take fenugreek with aniseeds. Mix a spoonful of aniseed and two spoonfuls fenugreek seeds and soak them in a ceramic bowl in 200 ml water. Sieve with a cloth in the morning.

Chop four leaves of black plum and grind. Sieve the juice in eight grams water and drink regularly for ten days. Take it every two months for ten days. This juice is very beneficial in case of sugar passing out through urine. Chew four leaves of black plum twice daily in the beginning stages of diabetes to give relief from the third day itself.

Put 60 gm ripe black plums in 300 gm of hot boiling water. Cover the vessel with lid. Crush them nicely after 30 minutes and divide into three portions. Take one portion three times during the day to reduce sugar level.

Dry the black plum seeds in the shade and prepare a powder. Take three grams twice daily with fresh water to overcome diabetes. Continue this medicine for 21 days regularly.

Risk of Diabetes Due to Depression:

There is a close relationship between depression and diabetes. According to scientific studies the risk of type II diabetes increases due to depression. In addition it also leads to several other problems.

Meditation by

Advanced Instructions on Meditation

Visualization of the Divine in the Heart Center

The aspirant should assume his meditative posture, close his eyes gently, and allow the breath to flow smoothly and easily. One next draws upon his imagination to create an attractive image that symbolizes his highest spiritual ideal or concept. He places this image in his heart, where he surrounds the image with an ocean of light, and holds it there, mentally visualizing it. Any beautiful image may be visualized according to the imaginative capacity of the practitioner.

Some of the original visualizations described in the scriptures are so elaborate that it would require many pages to describe a single image. One must build one's mental image as perfectly and completely as possible, and meditate on this alone. One must remain constant in selecting one image and not change from one image to another. Neither should he change his meditative posture from one day to the next.

At first the mind can be held still only for a few moments; it will constantly pursue other ideas. When this happens, bring the mind back to its focus again and again and continue with the meditation. Eventually one will find the mind becoming less restless. When the mind becomes calm and one-pointed, it abstains from brooding on the external objects. It becomes inward, subtle, and acquires the ability to penetrate those unfathomable levels that were not known before. A one-pointed mind, when it starts flowing inward gradually, penetrates all the levels of consciousness.

Shambhava Mudra

While remaining attentive inwardly to the energy of life in the heart, and with the mind and breath stilled and absorbed, light is directed steadily forward without moving the eyelids. The eyelids are opened as if seeing everything, while actually seeing nothing outside oneself. This mudra brings about the absorption of the mind and a feeling of happiness and joy. To accomplish this mudra, gaze steadily forward into space without seeing anything and without blinking the eyelids. The eyelids must be slightly ajar. Adopt a steady stare and contemplate space by rendering the mind void of all thoughts, achieving a state of emptiness. Let no external objects make an impression upon the retina, even though the eyes are wide open.

This practice will bring the breath under control, correct nervous conditions, enable one to overcome fluctuating moods, remedy all undesirable mental states, eliminate self-consciousness, and help one to fully understand what is happening around oneself. When the mind is given this monotonous task, it empties and becomes like a vacuum or magnet. Thus, the internal world rushes into it. This practice puts the mind in a state of watchful waiting, and truth becomes its natural companion. Those whose sleep has decreased through practice and whose minds have become calm will benefit by performing the shambhava mudra.

Sukshma Dhyana: Luminous Meditation

The practice of visualizing one's image by the shadow method is also called luminous concentration. The method of luminous concentration may also be practiced by fixing one's gaze in space without blinking. When these practices are perfected, the yogi attains the capacity to create any sort of picture upon a dark screen in order to see what he desires to know. He also attains the power to visualize kundalini, which cannot otherwise be seen due to its subtlety and great changeability. This, however, only takes place after kundalini is awakened.

In kundalini, the jiva appears in the form of a candle flame, and this may also be used for luminous concentration. In the naval chakra (manipura) resides the solar light related to the fire tattva. Concentrating on this light is called the fire meditation. If the student repeatedly visualizes this light until he becomes aware of it throughout the day and feels as if he is walking in this light, he will be able to realize certain siddhis or powers of special value.

The Frontal Gaze

This is a very important practice. It is a good exercise for the unsteady mind and a useful preparation for unmani. One begins by fixing the eyes on the space between the two eyebrows and allows the eyelids to find their own natural resting place. They will tend to remain slightly open with the whites of the eyes visible. This frontal gaze may be practiced either in siddhasana or in any other meditative posture. As in the nasal gaze, those whose nerves are easily excited must practice with caution.

As a result of this gaze, one will be able to visualize the luster and light from within and his attraction to worldly objects will be eliminated. One must suppress the strong desire that will arise during this practice to open the eyes and to look about just for a moment. This is the action of the physical body seeking to express itself and release itself from the control imposed.

Nasagra Drishti: Meditation on the Tip of the Nose

In performing this concentration, fix the gaze on the light visualized at the bridge between the two nostrils with the eyebrows raised slightly. Let the mind concentrate on the energy of life in the heart, as in shambhava mudra. One must think of this life energy inwardly, while apparently looking outwardly. This is a good exercise for the wandering mind, if taken up with zest and practiced faithfully for a few months. One should be aware of the flow of the breath through the optic nerve. Initially this should be practiced for brief periods of time, and one should gradually increase the length of the practice period. Those with weak nerves should not undertake this practice without personal supervision of an expert. This practice is done in siddhasana.

Ganas and Bhutas: the Transcendental Hooligans by In Bhagavad-gita 9.25, Lord Krsna instructs: share by

In Bhagavad-gita 9.25, Lord Krsna instructs:

yanti deva-vrata devan
pitrn yanti pitr-vratah
bhutani yanti bhutejya
yanti mad-yajino api mam

"Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors; those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me."

Those who worship the Devatas will go to the Devatas, those who worship the Pitrs go to the Pitrs, and those who worship the Bhutas will go to them. Given that the Sanskrit term bhuta literally means "being", in a sense all the fallen conditioned souls are Bhutas, and may be said to inhabit Pita-loka.

Srila Prabhupada, in his purport on Gita 9.25, explains the following:

"If one has any desire to go to the moon, the sun or any other planet, one can attain the desired destination by following specific Vedic principles recommended for that purpose, such as the process technically known as darsa-paurnamasi. These are vividly described in the fruitive activities portion of the Vedas, which recommends a specific worship of demigods situated on different heavenly planets. Similarly, one can attain the Pita planets by performing a specific yajna. Similarly, one can go to many ghostly planets and become a Yaksha, Raksha or Pishaca. Pishaca worship is called "black arts" or "black magic." There are many men who practice this black art, and they think that it is spiritualism, but such activities are completely materialistic. Similarly, a pure devotee, who worships the Supreme Personality of Godhead only, achieves the planets of Vaikuntha and Krishnaloka without a doubt.

In his Gita Bhasya, Shankaracharya described Bhutas as being "the hosts (ganas) of Vinayakas and Matrs, the Four Sisters, etc." The Yajnavalkya Smrti (Vinayaka Kalpa), 7th prakarana, mentions Vinayakas, describing a ritual for subduing these troublesome spirits, who cause much difficulty for humans who anger or disturb them. Ganesh is known as the Lord of the Ganas, and as the controller of obstacles, he is the commander of these transcendental hooligans.

Shankaracharya stated that it is tamasic to worship class of demigods such as the Bhutas and Ganas, or Vinayakas. Not surprisingly, however, the worship of these personalities is regularly employed by the Tantracists, who appeal to them to cease causing problems for them, and to instead cause difficulties for others.

We also find a great deal of focus placed on the Ganas by those who worship Lord Shiva, because the Ganas are said to have accompanied Shiva to Mount Kailasa. Some lived there with him, although many were restricted to living on the cremation grounds. Uma Devi once asked Lord Shiva why he liked to reside on the cremation grounds, which are the abode of demons, jackals, corpses and vultures. He replied that he had roamed the world, looking for a pure place to meditate in. Out of anger and frustration of being unable to find such a place, he created the terrible Pishachas and Rakshasas, who are intent on killing people. Out of compassion however, he restrained this terrible horde, keeping them secured on the cremation grounds, and he sometimes chose to live there with them.

In Bhagavad-gita 9.25, Lord Krsna instructs:

yanti deva-vrata devan
pitrn yanti pitr-vratah
bhutani yanti bhutejya
yanti mad-yajino api mam

While many images of the Ganas and Bhutas found in temple sculptures show them depicted in their terrible, frightening forms and faces, there are also images of these demons in very benign and endearing forms, such as when they are engaging in devotional service to Lord Shiva and the other demigods. They are found playing kartals and maddala, blowing the conch, etc. The image above depicts such a collective of Ganas, who are in a pleasing mood, while the one below shows a more familiar, ghoulish form typical of images in which they're associated with Lord Shiva.

What are the reiki attunements by

Just like you have to tune into a frequency to receive a radio or tv channel, reiki attunements are a way of tuning into the channel of reiki energy.

It is believed that reiki energy is there all around us, but you can access this energy only after you are attuned to receive it.

Reiki attunements allows you to become a reiki practitioner.

Attunement process involves opening up the chakras in you, so that you become a ‘channel’ to receive and transmit reiki.

Reiki attunements are carried out by a reiki master/teacher who himself/herself has already received attunements from another reiki master/teacher.

The attunement process is a kind of ceremony.

The master/teacher invokes certain reiki symbols and draws these symbols on the aura of the recepient in a certain way.

Once drawn, these symbols remain on the aura of the receiver forever, making the receiver a ‘channel’ of reiki energy for entire lifetime.

There are three levels of attunements – Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III.

The names of the levels are arbitrary as there are no such levels in reality. These levels can be called by different names. These levels are created to prepare the student ‘gradually’ for the ultimate ‘mastership’ of reiki.

What is scientific Evidence of Reiki by

Is there scientific evidence for reiki?
In order for any medicine or treatment method to be accepted into the mainstream health care system, evidence is needed that the medicine/method is effective and safe.

Reiki, being medicine-less and non-ivasive (non-manipulative) can be regarded as safe, or at least there is no known established case of negative effects of reiki, till now.

That leaves the question of effectiveness. Is reiki effective?

Let us look at findings of some research organizations -

■Natural standard and Harvard Medical School released a paper on a study done by scientists on reiki and its effects.The studies were carried out on small samples and it was found that:
Reiki works on the autonomic nervous system, effecting heart beat rate, blood pressure and/or breathing activity.
Reiki can help reduce depression and stress.
Reiki can help reduce pain.

The scientists did point out though that all the trials were on a small scale and larger trials were needed before any conclusion could be drawn.

■Through one of its studies, University of Michigan Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Center (CAMRC), found that Reiki can be effective for diabetics experiencing nerve problems, especially in the legs. Reiki was applied to relieve some of the pain and numbness experienced by the diabetic patients.

■Several studies were carried out using single blind study technique to determine efficacy of reiki treatment. In a study female nursing students were given either real reiki or “mimic reiki” (a placebo form). Tests conducted before and after failed to find any improvement (generally attributed to reiki treatment) in the group which received real reiki.

■Hartwell and Brewitt conducted a study on reiki in 1997 in which a group of chronically ill patients received eleven, weekly, one hour reiki treatment sessions. The patients were not given any other allopathic or complementary medicine or treatment during this period. Tests were conducted to find before/after differences in health. It was observed that all the patients experienced a reduction in pain and an increase in relaxation and mobility.
In addition to the organizations mentioned above there are several more research organizations and medical schools conducting

Self Healing /Healing through Reiki: Understanding the 21 day cleansing process share by

Every teacher stresses on the importance of regular and continuous practice of Reiki self healing for twenty-one days after attunement. There are several reasons for this.
Firstly, during these 21 days, a lot of cleansing takes place in your body. You must ensure you drink plenty of water and sleep sufficiently. Regular Reiki practice during these days helps remove the negativities accumulated by your body over your lifetime. Each chakra takes roughly 3 days, hence the 21 days.
Secondly, your body is still new to the energy being channelled, and it takes 21 days for it to get adjusted to the new activity. From a psychological aspect too, it has been found that a person takes about 21 days to form a habit.
Most importantly, a lot of reiki students assume that since so much of stress has been laid only on the first 21 days, the days after that must not be important. Quite the contrary, you need to continue practicing Reiki everyday even after the 21-day period. During the 21 days, you must just ensure that you do not miss practice even once, and also remember that the more number you practice, the better the effect.

The Cleansing Process
Everybody experiences different symptoms during cleansing. Just like when you start cleaning dusty areas, the dust first rises up in the air, a Reiki attunement causes the negativities to be released from our body via minor problems.
Depending on the degree you have been attuned to, your cleansing process might involve minor physical, emotional or spiritual problems. After any attunement, have complete faith and watch what happens for the first 21 days. There might be some discomfort, but that is no cause for alarm. You will slowly start feeling more and more comfortable as days pass after the cleansing period.

Daily Practice
The importance of daily practice cannot be over-stressed. We are surrounded all day by germs, negative thoughts and emotions, and energy-snatching components. By the end of the day, we pick up negative energies and our energy level is also low because people, events and thoughts have siezed it from us.
Daily practice is a way to fill up on this lost energy and cleanse the accumulated negativities. It is ok to miss practice once in a while, but not practicing for too long, is damaging. The negativities that accumulate if we don't practice, eventually clog up our chakras again, and if there has been no practice for too long, one may need re-attunement to restart Reiki practice.
Even though a major portion of the cleansing takes place in the first 21 days, the subsequent days also add towards the cleansing. It takes about three months for the true effects of Reiki to start showing. Daily practice not only makes you healthier physically, but adds to your progress mentally, spiritually and in other aspects of your life as well.

Short-cut Self Healing
The more one practices Reiki everyday, the better it is for that person. However, there are some days when we are too tired to complete the entire procedure, and we are tempted to skip the self-healing altogether. On such days, there is an alternative way.
There are seven main chakras in our body, and typically, we heal the front and back of these chakras, along with a few more points. When we have too little time, we may heal only the front of these seven chakras. Considering that you heal each chakra for three minutes each, the practice will be over in 21 minutes. If they are healed for two minutes each, the entire self healing will be over in 15 minutes.
If you are practicing short-cut self healing on two consecutive days, on the second day, heal the back of the chakras instead of the front - this will help keep your energy more balanced.
This technique should be used only occasionally and you must try to practice the complete self healing as much as possible, Complete self healing should be practiced ATLEAST twice a week.
Reiki all the time
Time contraints are only in the mind, and if you make Reiki a priority, you will never have too little time for Reiki. Practice Reiki when you're in the bus, while watching television, while on the phone, or in meetings. If you are embarrased to keep your hands on the chakras, place your hands on your knees and give Reiki.

The Effect of Reiki
Daily practice is exteremely beneficial to a channel. It is almost as if a guiding light constantly monitors your progress and well-being. At times, we find that our friend circle is changing, for Reiki causes people who don't contribute to our progress to drift away, and attracts those people who contribute to our progress in some way. Some describe the feeling as a soft blanket keeping them safe and warm all the time.
Reiki takes you in the direction that you want to go. While some people experience gigantic leaps in their spiritual journey, others remain in the same state for years. It is upto you to make a concious effort to determine what matters the most to you in your life, and work in that direction. Reiki will accelerate your progress in that direction.
One needs to have faith in Reiki that whatever is happening to us, is for our own good alone. Becoming a Reiki channel does not mean that you will never have any problems again, or that you will never fall sick again. Problems and pitfalls are often triggers for our progress, and if they are needed, you will be blessed with them. The advantage with Reiki is, it helps you get back up on your feet faster.
Reiki does not work for negative intentions. If you wish bad for somebody and send Reiki to harm him/ her, it will not work. Think positive and wish everyone well.

Reiki Protection
When you practice Reiki regularly, your energy level is much higher than others. This causes those with lower energy levels to pull energy from you. While in principle, this is alright, it sometimes causes you to feel drained.
As a regular practioner, you are much more sensitive to the ups and downs of energy, and you will sense loss of energy when or after it happens. Sometimes, you also tend to pick up negative energies. Visiting places like hospitals, etc, can be expecially draining.
To protect yourself against these ups and downs, you can use the purple shield. Before going to such places, declare "Mother, Father, God, please send me the purple shield from

Aura and it colour meaning Delete Topic|Reply to Topic by

Aura is key of part of body which tell about us and incoming happiness and problem so i put this top here which help lot of friends..

Aura Colour Meanings and Interpretations for Aura Reading
Many people ask about aura colour meanings. What are the meanings of aura colours? How do you interpreter auras? What does each colour mean mean in the aura? Everyone and everything has an aura. Our aura is filled with colours that reflect and depict each and every facets of ourselves. These colors tell everything about us and can be interpreted because each colour has a meaning. Psychic readings can be given through aura readings and here you will find information regarding Auras and the meanings, these are some interpretations of the colours that can be seen in our Auras. It is hoped that these will help to give you some clearer insights into Auric Reading.
Aura Colours - Aura Colors
REDS - Aura Colour Meanings
CARMINE : Indicates a person who is seeking change
VERMILLION : Highlights creativity
RUSTIC RED : quick tempered
SCARLET RED : Can indicate a person a big ego
CRIMSON : innate creative talents
MAROON : Ability to own ones own self power
CLARET : Tenacious
ORANGES - Aura Colour Meanings
APRICOT : Indicating thoughtful communication
ORANGE : strongly motivated
PUMPKIN : self-disciplined
AMBER : Indicating individual strength and courage
CARAMEL : Indicating positive occupation changes
COPPER : Rarely seen but usually seen in those of the mining industry
RAW SIENNA : indicates weak thought processes
YELLOWS - Aura Colour Meanings
PALE YELLOW : introversion
PRIMROSE : Cheerfulness and confident
LEMON YELLOW : strength of direction
BUTTERCUP YELLOW : focused on a path of action
GOLDEN YELLOW : Indicates inspirational thought
MUSTARD : May indicate manipulative tendencies
STRAW YELLOW : day dreamer
BROWNS - Aura Colour Meanings
FAWN : Indicates the end of a period of problems
DOE-SKIN : Indicates methodical and organized people
MUSHROOM : a slowing of destiny
CHOCOLATE BROWN : Indicates links to the earth horticulturalists,
agriculturalists and environmentalist
RUSSET-BROWN : a hard working person
TERRACOTTA : an unconventional individual
DARK BROWN : indicates common sense
GREENS - Aura Colour Meanings
PALE GREEN : spiritual advancement
LEMON GREEN : Indicating liars and cheats
IRIDESCENT GREEN : extremely sociable people
EMERALD GREEN : Laying to rest of a problem
JADE : Indicates a benevolent character
VIRIDIAN : emotionally and mentally stress
OLIVE GREEN : can indicate a miser
DARK GREEN : mental stress
TURQUOISE : Often indicates success in life in someone
who has had to fight their way out of hardship.
PINKS - Aura Colour Meanings
PALE PINK : true love
PINK MADDER : indicates faithfulness and real commitment
SALMON PINK : people who have found their true vocation and love it
IRIDESCENT PINK : sexual desire
DUSTY PINK : indicates a foolish person
BLUES - Aura Colour Meanings
AQUA : The colour of a healer
PALE BLUE : Indicates sensitivity
SKY BLUE : well developed basic instincts
COBALT BLUE : Indicates intuition coming from the advanced area of the aura
PRUSSIAN BLUE : Indicates harmony
ROYAL BLUE : Indicates someone who has found their path in life
DELFT BLUE : strong principles
ULTRAMARINE : Indicates connections with the sea, sailors, surfers.
NAVY BLUE : Indicates slow, but safe and sure individuals
INDIGO : Great psychic talent
PURPLES - Aura Colour Meanings
LAVENDER : Indicating the experience of a near death experience.
LILAC : spiritual stability
MAGENTA : Indicating entrepreneurial skills
MAUVE : : Indicating a modest individual
IMPERIAL PURPLE : Awareness of dreams
GRAPE : idleness
VIOLET : indication of a humble person
OTHERS - Aura Colour Meanings
SILVER GREY : See in people who practice yoga
SILVER : Indicating the individuals connection with higher guidance.
ZINC : Usually seen around the sexual organs during arousal
CREAM : found in individuals who are following their the right path of development.
PEARL : Highly tuned mediums often have this colour in their aura.
GOLD : Indicating an elevated level of awareness.
Colures indicating problems
BLACK : Can often be seen in the auras of abused children,
divorcees, drug addicts and people who have experienced
torture or great trauma in their lives.
GREY : Can indicate a feeling trapped in their life
CHARCOAL GREY : Can indicate Depression